The London Green Directory!
Air Quality | Waste | Food | Water | Energy | Transportation | Ecowise Consuming | Empowerment| Biodiversity

Empowerment is individually accepting responsibility for the way we live and taking steps to make positive change. Local educational organizations, community groups and government resources listed here are among many available to help improve your knowledge and share it with others for positive action.
Make the world a better place starting from your own backyard.
Educational Opportunities
Fanshawe College1001 Fanshawe College Blvd. Toll-Free: 1-800-717-4412 | Offers a variety of courses related to learning about and improving the environment. |
The Living Centre5871 Bells Rd | Offering the highest quality, leading edge training in the fields of Health, Nutrition, Eco-Spirituality and Peace Consciousness. |
Thames Valley District School BoardLondon Environmental Centre Pond Mills Site 1095 Pond View Rd. Road South. Wellington Site 696 Wellington Road. (519) 452-8880
London District Catholic School Board 5200 Wellington Road South (519) 663-2088 |
University of Western OntarioLondon 1151 Western St. | Offers a variety of courses related to learning about and improving the environment. |

Understand the issues, learn what effect our lives have on the environment, then lessen the impact. Whether through part-time interest courses or career choices, demonstrate with action how to assume responsibility.
Provincial Representatives Directory (2022-2026)
London-Fanshawe | Address | Phone | Website | |
Teresa Armstrong | | 155 Clarke Rd | (519) 668-1104 | |
London North Centre | ||||
Terence Devin Kernaghan | | 400 York St., Unit 105 | (519) 432-7339 | |
London West | ||||
Peggy Sattler | | 240 Commissioners Rd. W, Unit 101 | (519) 657-3120 | |
Elgin-Mdlx-London | ||||
Rob Flack | | 750 Talbot St, St. Thomas | (519) 631-5995 |
Federal Representatives (2021-2025)
London North | Address | Phone | Website | |
Peter Fragiskatos | | 231 Hyman St. | (519) 663-9777 | |
London West | ||||
Arielle Kayabaga | | 390 Commissioners Rd W., Suite 200 | (519) 473-5955 | |
London Fanshawe | ||||
Lindsay Mathyssen | | 1700 Dundas St., Unit D | (519) 685-4745 | |
Elgin-Mdlx-London | ||||
Karen Vecchio | | 215-750 Talbot Street St. Thomas, ON | (519) 637-2255 | |

Municipal Representatives (2022)
If you have questions or want to promote new ideas – contact our local politicians at:
City Hall
300 Dufferin Avenue,
London Ont
N6B 1Z2
Mayor | Address | City Hall | Res. | |
Josh Morgan | | City Hall 300 Dufferin Ave | (519) 661-2500 | n/a |
Councillor Ward 1 | ||||
Hadleigh McAlister | | 300 Dufferin Ave | (519) 661-2498 x 4001 | |
Councillor Ward 2 | ||||
Shawn Lewis | | 300 Dufferin Ave | (519) 661-2489 x 4002 | |
Councillor Ward 3 | ||||
Peter Cuddy | | 300 Dufferin Ave | (519) 661-2498 x 4003 | |
Councillor Ward 4 | ||||
Susan Stevenson | | 300 Dufferin Avenue | (519) 661-2489 x 4004 | |
Councillor Ward 5 | ||||
Jerry Pribil | | 300 Dufferin Avenue | (519) 661-2489 x 4005 | |
Councillor Ward 6 | ||||
Sam Trosow | | 300 Dufferin Avenue | (519) 661-2489 x 4006 | |
Councillor Ward 7 | ||||
Corrine Rahman | | 300 Dufferin Avenue | (519) 661-2489 x 4007 | |
Councillor Ward 8 | ||||
Steve Lehman | | 300 Dufferin Avenue | (519) 661-2489 x 4008 | |
Councillor Ward 9 | ||||
Anna Hopkins | | 300 Dufferin Ave | (519) 661-2489 x 4009 | cell: (226)-927-0439 |
Councillor Ward 10 | ||||
Paul Van Meerbergen | | 300 Dufferin Ave | (519) 661-2489 x 4010 | |
Councillor Ward 11 | ||||
Skylar Franke | | 300 Dufferin Ave | (519) 661-2489 x 4011 | |
Councillor Ward 12 | ||||
Elizabeth Peloza | | 300 Dufferin Ave | (519) 661-2489 x 4012 | |
Councillor Ward 13 | ||||
David Ferreira | | 300 Dufferin Ave | (519) 661-2489 x 4013 | |
Councillor Ward 14 | ||||
Steve Hillier | | 300 Dufferin Ave | (519) 661-2489 x 4014 |
Local Organizations and Agencies |

The following organizations, service groups and government offices are located in London and area. They offer a wealth of information and various resources related to history, environment, health and energy conservation. Please contact them for further information and become actively involved.
Beyond Factory Farming | | |
Boys’ and Girls’ Club of London184 Horton St | | |
Canadian School of Natural Nutrition747 Hyde Park Rd. #108, London, | Natural Nutrition Programs Teaching the Medicine of the future | |
Canadian Wildlife Service (Env. Canada) | | |
Chamber of Commerce244 Pall Mall, London, N6A 5P6 | | |
City Hall Environmental Advisory Committees300 Dufferin Avenue, London, N6B 1Z2 | Advisory Committee on the Environment | |
Council for Canadians – London ChapterChapter 62, London | | |
Cross Cultural Learning Centre505 Dundas Street, London, N6B 1W4 | Support for new Canadians. | |
Environment CanadaPublic Weather | | |
Friends of Meadowlily Woods141 Meadowlily Rd. S, London, N6M 1C3 (519) 680-7488 | | |
Grosvenor Lodge –London Regional Resource Centre for Heritage & the Environment1017 Western Road, London, N6G 1G5 | Affiliate/Member groups include: Architectural Conservancy of Ontario Thames Region Ecological Association Thames Valley Trail Association | |
Healthy LivingMiddlesex-London Health Unit (519) 663-5317 | Devoted to educating Middlesex London on healthy body, mind, workplace etc. | |
Heritage London Foundation101 Windermere Rd, London, N6G 2J4 (519) 432-7961 | | |
Kettle Creek Conservation Authority(519) 631 -1270 | | |
The Living Centre – Eco-spiritual Education Sanctuary(519) 652-9109 or (519) 652-0230 | Unifies earth education and healthy living. Provides workshops and classes around concepts of balance and ecology i.e. herbalism, nature walks, nutrition, healing, physical awareness and vitality, and more. | |
Life Spin866 Dundas Street | Low income family empowerment and Sole-support parent information network. | |
London Central Public Library251 Dundas St, London, N6A 6H9 | Contact Social Sciences desk for information, announcements, booklists, periodicals, directories, videos, pamphlets. | |
London Community Resource Centre201 King St, London, N6A 1C9 | Community support services/programs to individuals and agencies. | |
London Environmental Network944 Western Counties Rd, London, ON N6C 6A8 (226) 700-6945 |
| |
Lung Association639 Southdale Rd. E, London, N5W 3Z6 | | |
McIlwraith Field NaturalistsOf London Ontario Inc. Nature Line |
| |
Middlesex-London Health Unit50 King Street, London, N6A 5L7 | | |
N’Amerind London Friendship CenterDonna Phillips – 260 Colborne Street | | |
Ontario Assoc. for Geography and Environmental Educators10 Morrow Avenue, Suite 202, Toronto, Ontario M6R 2J1 (416) 538-1650 | | |
Ontario Ministry – Natural Resources Aylmer District5th Flr N, 300 Water St, Peterborough, ON K9J 3C7 1-800-667-1940 1-800-387-7011 | | |
Ontario Ministry of the Environment733 Exeter Rd, London, N6E 1L3 | | |
Ontario Ministry of Transportation659 Exeter Rd, London, N6E 1L3 | | |
Reimagine Co206 Piccadilly St, London, ON N6A 1S1 (519) 520-9155 | They offer a zero waste lifestyle, products that replace single use plastic, a “refillery,” where people can refill various different products for the bathroom and the kitchen, workshops and community space.
| |
Upper Thames River Conservation Authority1424 Clarke Rd, London, N5V 5B9 | | |
Western University Student’s CouncilUCC Bldg., Room 340 | | |
Western Ontario Fish and Game Protection Association790 Southdale Rd E, London, N6E 1A8 | |
Informational Sources Outside London |

Better Environmentally Sound Transportation(604) 669-2860 | |
Canadian Council of the Ministers of the Environment(204) 948-2090 | |
Canadian Environmental Law Association(416) 960-2284 | |
Canadian Environmental Network(613) 728-9810 | |
Canadian Organic Growers Inc.100 Gloucester St. Suite 410, Ottawa K2P 0A4 | |
Renewable Industries Canada(613) 594-5528 | |
Canadian Wildlife Federation350 Michael Cowpland Drive, Kanata, ON K2M 2W1 | |
Canadian Renewable Energy Association(613)-234-8716 or 1-800-922-6932 | On July 1, 2020, CanWEA and the Canadian Solar Industries Association (CanSIA) united within the Canadian Renewable Energy Association to form one voice for wind energy, solar energy and energy storage in Canada. |
Children’s Environmental Health Network(202) 543-4033 | |
Clean Air Partnership(416) 392-0254 | |
Composting Council of Canada(416) 535-0240 | |
Conservation Council of Ontario(416) 533-1653 | |
Consumer Health Organization of Canada250 Sheppard Ave E, North York, M2N 6M9 (416) 222-6517 | |
CSA Climate Change, GHG Registries(416) 474-2339 or (800) 463-6727, x42339 | |
David Suzuki Foundation219-2211 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V6K 4S2 | |
Earth Day Canada276 Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto, M6R 2M2 | |
Ecological Farmers of Ontario5420 Hwy 6 North, Guelph, N1H 6J2 | |
Environment Canada – Climate Change |
Greenpeace Canada1800-320-7183 | |
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives(647) 728-4308 | |
Natural Resources Canada(613) 995-0947 | |
The Nature Conservancy of Canada245 Eglinton Avenue E, Suite 410, Toronto, M4P 3J1 | |
Office of Energy Efficiency (Natural Resources Canada)580 Booth Street, 18th Floor, Ottawa, L1A 0E4 | |
Ontario Environment NetworkP.O. Box 192, Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4T1 905-873-2592 | |
Ontario Ministry of Energy1-888-668-4636 | |
Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change – Air Quality Index135 St. Clair Avenue W, Toronto M4V 1P5 | |
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry300 Water St, Peterborough, K9J 8M5 | |
The Pembina Institute219-19 Street NW, Calgary, AB, T2N 2H9 | |
Pollution Probe Foundation150 Ferrand Drive, Suite 208, Toronto, M3C 3E5 | |
Recycling Council of Ontario55 University Ave #1500, Toronto, ON M5J 2H7 | |
Sierra Club of CanadaPO Box 2007 STN B, Ottawa K1P 5W3 | |
Tree Canada Foundation470 Somerset St W, Ottawa, K1R 5J8 | |
World Wildlife Fund Canada410 Adelaide St. W, Toronto M5V 1S8 | |
United States Environmental Protection Agency | |
“Solutions will depend on the public’s will as much as technology; few industries or governments will spend their funds on pollution controls unless they are urged to do so by an aroused populace.” — Ron Reid
Taking Action In Your Community

Everything we do makes a difference toward greening our planet or working against it. The change has to start somewhere, and it can start with you.
Knowing what the global, regional and local problems are allows you to become part of the solution. There are many issues we should be concerned about that affect our daily lives and quality of life – garbage, agricultural land, toxic chemicals, reliance on the automobile, energy waste and so on.

You can translate that knowledge into something as simple as a friendly tip for a neighbour, a vote at the ballot box, or a larger action, such as participation in a public debate, enrolment with an environmental group or involvement in a group effort to make changes. With some creative and simple ideas, you can turn problems into challenges and concerns into actions. For instance:
In your neighbourhood
Organize a community yard sale, household hazardous waste day deliveries
At school

Propose an environment committee, organize carpooling, organic gardens, paper recycling, air quality testing, installation of energy saving devices, pack garbageless lunches, promote anti-litter campaigns, request non-toxic paints and cleaners, invite speakers to give presentations to classes

At work
Help set up an energy reduction system, suggest positive technological changes, reduce paper usage, use a coffee mug, use alternative cleaners, organize lunch hour speakers, tree plantings on company property
At home
Using more energy efficient light bulbs and other ways to save electricity, composting and recycling, using reusable shopping bags, use cloth napkins instead of paper for cleaning, use active modes of transportation like walking or biking, buying local, buying second hand or recycled furniture and goods, opt out of unsolicited mail and pay bills online, and encourage those in your household to come up with fun ideas to become more eco-friendly.
As a member of a service group
Organize an environmental awareness event or display, participate in tree plantings or garbage cleanups, give donations to worthwhile causes
As a member of a place of worship
Gather reusable clothes, appliances and furniture, collect donations for environmental causes and form an environmental action committee
As a voting community member

Write letters to your MP, MPP or City Councillor outlining environmental issues that concern you, support parties with strong environmental platforms, participate in public meetings regarding environmental issues, write manufacturers, lobby for more public transit and additional bike paths
As a member of an environmental organization
Research groups that interest you, compare different opinions, volunteer to help the groups of your choice in ways that best use your skills
Adaptation: adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects that moderation harm or exploit beneficial opportunities. Various types of adaptation can be distinguished, including anticipatory and reactive adaptation and autonomous and planned adaptation
Aerate: to charge or mix with carbon dioxide or other gas
Air quality index (AQI): is used to report current and forecasted air quality. It is used to tell you how clean or polluted your air is and what associated health effects may be a concern as AQI rises
Biodegradable: capable of being absorbed by the organic environment when thrown out or disposed of
Carbon dioxide: a gas which comes from the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation making the highest contribution to the greenhouse effect
Carbon pricing: a cost, usually in the form of a tax, applied to carbon pollution/production to encourage producers to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas they emit into the atmosphere
Environment: external conditions which determine modifications in the development of organic life
Fluorescent: a glass tube coated on the inside with a fluorescent substance that emits light when acted upon by an electric current
Fossil Fuels: are derived from fossilized remains of animals and plants in the earth over millions of years ago – they can be found as coal, oil or gas which we use much faster than they replenish themselves – these fuels are then used as energy sources giving off carbon dioxide as they are burned
Greenhouse Effect: process which causes the Earth’s surface to be warmer than it otherwise would be in the absence of an atmosphere
Hazardous Waste: term used to describe waste which, due to its physical or chemical characteristics, can present hazards upon contact with the environment when thrown away including toxicity to organisms by ingestion, inhalation or skin absorption, carcinogens, risk of explosion, emission of radiation and the potential to pollute underground or surface waters
Incandescent: glowing with white heat and providing light
Mitigation: the process or result of making something less severe, dangerous, painful, harsh, or damaging
Organic: having either vegetable or animal life, derived from living organisms
Precautionary Principle: It absorbs notions of risk prevention, cost-effectiveness, ethical responsibilities toward maintaining the integrity of humans and natural systems and the fallibility of human understanding. The application of the precautionary principle or approach recognizes that the absence of full scientific certainty should not be used to postpone decisions where there is a risk of serious or irreversible harm
Resilience: the capacity of a system, community or society potentially exposed to hazards to adapt, by resisting or changing in order to reach and maintain an acceptable level of functioning and structure. This is determined by the degree to which the social system is capable of organizing itself to increase its capacity for learning from past disasters for better future protection and to improve risk reduction measures
Risk Management: decisions to accept exposure or to reduce vulnerabilities by either mitigating the risks or applying cost-effective controls
Surface ozone: which is not the ozone layer but the ozone molecules that form in the lower atmosphere from reactions between nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons in the presence of strong sunlight causing photochemical smog
Urban Agriculture: (also known as urban farming or urban gardening) is the practice of cultivating, processing and distributing food in or around urban areas and can also involve animal husbandry, aquaculture, agroforestry, urban beekeeping, and horticulture
Vulnerability: the degree to which a system is susceptible to, or unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change including climate vulnerability and extremes. Vulnerability is a function of the character, magnitude and rate of climate variation to which a system is exposed, its sensitivity and its adaptive capacity
Sources ~ The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, IPCC and local agencies
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