Become a Volunteer

TREA has had a foundation of engaging volunteers to support environmental issues important to them and that bring others on board to move these issues forward. From its start TREA has championed the  community to engage in waste reduction, active transportation and reducing fossil fuel usage. 

To view some of the issues TREA has been involved with visit the history of TREA to see some of its successes primarily driven by a volunteer base.

People the world over engage in volunteerism for a great variety of reasons: to help to eliminate poverty and to improve basic health and education, to tackle environmental issues, to reduce the risk of disasters or to combat social exclusion and violent conflict. In all of these fields, volunteerism makes a specific contribution by generating well-being for people and their communities.

Volunteerism is a basic expression of human relationships. It is about the opportunity to participate and to feel that you matter to others. We strongly believe that the social relationships intrinsic to volunteer work are critical to individual and community well-being.

Volunteers are more likely to develop civic skills, to attach more importance to serving the public interest as a personal life goal and to be more active in their neighbourhood, school, workplace or community overall. Thus, in going about their voluntary activities, individuals are also cultivating an outlook that contributes to a social environment that nurtures the well-being of all.

Being part of a non-profit organization can be one of the most fulfilling experiences you encounter.  It can even introduce you to skills to bring to your resume. With TREA this may include training volunteers, waste management planning, social media organizing, being on the Board, publicity and event organizing as well as introducing you to new friends and new causes.  As a member you help govern TREA, vote at the AGM and potentially expose you to decision-making situations not experienced in responsibilities elsewhere. You may also have a personal reason such as having had a family member with a health concern that brings you to give back to the community and try to impact an issue. For instance, TREA has a strong interest in health and the environment, including air quality and climate issues.

Being a member of TREA can have a lasting effect on your personal choices as you work to reduce your carbon footprint with like-minded people. Generally those supporting TREA are passionate about the environment. You also have the benefit to receive guidance from others in the community and a value cannot be placed on this experience if new opportunities come to you.

TREA will establish a working group if an issue requires a lot of attention. In the past, TREA has had working groups on one time use plastic containers, getting rid of plastic water bottles, pesticides, PCBs, land use planning, transportation issues, special event planning, preparing a public position on an environmental issue and so on. TREA has members involved with its Greening of the Festivals, Green Directory, public workshops and more.  We hope you come on board! Even with Covid-19 postponing some TREA projects, new members often have their own topics they want to pursue with TREA’s help.

To become a TREA member or renew your membership, please complete and return the form below.