TREA has actively delivered messages over the years to improve conservation and reduce pollution most notably tree planting, reduction of plastics, anti-idling (with several campaigns ranging from school projects to sign placements), using clotheslines, and reducing energy use.
In 2003-2004, TREA delivered an air quality agenda involving 10 related agencies and visits to over 100 venues such as workplaces, schools, and events to discuss local issues with over 30,000 citizens. Agencies included the City, the Ministry of Energy, Council of Canadians, CMHC, LOSH, Middlesex-London Health Unit, Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition, Active & Safe Routes to School, London Transit, and the Lung Association.
In 2004-2006, the federal One Tonne Challenge was a call to action to reduce individual emissions by a tonne. TREA’s 14 measurable projects as a community campaign involved residents, workplaces/staff, service groups and individuals. 25,000 citizens participated overall.
TREA has frequently facilitated workshops including topics such as district energy, solar hot water systems, solar PV, green roofs, building your own windmill, geothermal, energy efficiency, peak oil, grey water recycling etc. TREA has also distributed incentives such as energy kits, light bulbs, tire gauges, and cloth bags, and various projects measuring emissions reduction.
TREA has worked with many other organizations, for example, Post Carbon London, Transition Town, and Greening of Sacred Spaces to move initiatives forward. TREA spearheaded the original London Environment Network since reorganized by ReForest London and Thames Talbot Land Trust. TREA attended Mayor Sustainable Energy Council meetings frequently when in operation to follow green buildings, facility energy retrofit projects, and renewables progress.
In 2020, TREA facilitated a series of online how-to workshops on taking action on climate change including building a greenhouse, how to manage one, community gardens, raised garden boxes, geothermal, solar, composting, homesteading, and emergency preparedness. Over time, TREA has developed a number of messages for schools, the most recent being on waste reduction as an online workbook and curriculum supports for both teachers and students.