Compost – Nature’s Fertilizer

Compost – Nature’s Fertilizer

Compost is a natural soil conditioner and a great source of nutrients. Through the natural breakdown of organic material, composting can reduce your daily waste by over 30%. If you’re not composting already, I suggest you start!

Composting Is Simple

  1. Locate a partially sunny, well-drained area for your bin.
  2. Loosen the soil over the area to allow various soil organisms accessibility into the compost.
  3. For air circulation, let your first layer (2″) consist of brown material (eg. leaves, sawdust).
  4. To maintain air circulation, make sure to turn your compost twice a month with a garden fork.
  5. Monitor the water content of your compost. It should be damp but not soaking. If it’s too dry, add some water. Add some dry brown material if it’s too wet.
Homemade finished compost is great for your gardens, house plants, around trees and shrubs, mulch, as a 1/4″ lawn dressing, and – if you make your own – its free!